Tizzme Shows You What YouTube Users Are Watching in Real Time for Free!

Yes, free! Rediscover the joy of shared viewing experiences, curated real time content and individualized watch guides. Say goodbye to algorithmic recommendations and hello to personalized discoveries.

Available as an extension on the Google Chrome browser (others soon!)

"Okay, So We Can Watch Together in Real Time... What Else You Got?"

Discover the additional perks of Tizzme beyond real-time viewing.

Personalized Watch Guides

Take control of your YouTube viewing experience by creating a watch schedule with Tizzme. Plan your content for the day, from sports podcasts in the evening to live news and stand up comedy videos later at night. Keep your schedule up to date so your friends know when to come back online and watch with you.

<span>Personalized Watch Guides</span>

Re-sync stream button

Using the ad-supported free version of YouTube? We know you can never predict when an ad will be played, if it will be 5 seconds, 30 seconds, or unskippable altogether. Use the re-sync button to catch up to your Premium friends and never have lag ruin a shared moment.

<span>Re-sync stream button</span>

Public Live Room Feed

Dive into the dynamic world of Tizzme's public live rooms. Browse through a list of all the public rooms created by users and filter them by genre. Join the live room chat, discover new content in your favourite genre, and connect with like-minded content consumers in real time.

<span>Public Live Room Feed</span>

Private Password-Protected Rooms

Create password-protected rooms to enjoy private real-time watch together sessions with your closest family and friends on Tizzme. Enjoy having confidential conversations and a more intimate viewing experience away from the public eye.

<span>Private Password-Protected Rooms</span>

Share and Discover® YouTube Like Never Before with Tizzme.

Do not let "but I have never downloaded a Chrome extension before", or "but I don't use Google Chrome as my browser", cause you to miss out!